Global Cocoa and Plantain Producers

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Cocoa Beans

Cocoa Beans, seed of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), which is used to create cocoa and cocoa butter, key ingredients of chocolate. The Cocoa Beans themselves can be crushed or chopped into “nibs” for a variety of culinary uses, from salad dressing to ice cream toppings; they can also add thickness to a sauce or texture to a cake. The flavours tend to be pungent and untamed, while quality is very obvious.

Cultivation and processing

After four years a mature cacao tree produces fruit in the form of elongated pods that range in colour from bright yellow to deep purple. A single tree may yield up to 70 such fruits annually, and the fruits ripen in less than six months. Each pod has numerous ridges running along its length and holds 20 to 60 seeds, the cocoa beans, arranged around the long axis of the pod. The oval seeds are about 2.5 cm (1 inch) long and are covered with a sweet sticky white pulp.

Harvesting of cocoa beans can proceed all year, but the bulk of the crop is gathered in two flush periods occurring from October to February and from May to August. The ripe seed pods are cut from the trees and split open with a machete. The beans, removed from the pods with their surrounding pulp, are accumulated in leaf-covered heaps, in leaf-lined holes dug in the ground, or in large shallow boxes perforated at the bottom to provide for drainage.

Dried Cocoa Beans


The beans with their pulp are fermented for one to seven days, depending on the type and grade. Frequent turnings dissipate excess heat and provide uniformity. During fermentation the juicy sweatings of the pulp are drained away, the germ in the seed is killed by the increased heat, and flavour development begins. The beans become plump and full of moisture, and the interior develops a reddish brown colour and a heavy sharp fragrance. The fermented beans are sun-dried or kiln-dried to reduce moisture content to 6–7 percent and are bagged for shipment.

The fermented and dried cocoa beans are then typically roasted. Roasting develops flavour, reduces acidity and astringency, lowers moisture content, deepens colour, and facilitates shell removal. After roasting comes a cracking and fanning (winnowing) process, in which machines crack the shells and then separate them from the heavier nibs by means of blowers. Nibs can be sold or further processed. Grinding releases the fat, or cocoa butter, and forms a paste, called chocolate liquor or cocoa mass. The chocolate liquor is pressed and pulverized into cocoa powder to make chocolate.

Cocoa bean shells, the major by-product of cocoa processing, represent 8–10 percent of raw cocoa bean weight and are blown off in the cracking and fanning, or winnowing, operation. They are used for fertilizer, mulch, and fuel.


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